
Topic: The TV Show Thread

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@FuriousMachine Ah, that sucks! I don't know how sensitive you are in terms of video quality from the DVD's of old, but I know they just recently released the full remastered version of the show on Blu-Ray. I've been watching the remastered edits of the episodes and they've helped it hold up quite well. Of course getting a full box set of it not even knowing if you'll be into it might be too big of an ask with the price point, but at least you'll be aware that it's there if you do get into the show and would like a some better video quality to go along with it! Either way, hoping your buddy will part with the DVDs for a while. One of us, one of us, one of us...!



@Tjuz There are a handful of movies in my DVD collection not available elsewhere at the moment and while it's far from ideal, they get the job done, so unless the B5 DVDs are of very poor quality I should be fine. My friend will hand over said DVDs the next time I see him, so I may be going "gooble gobble" along with you before long



Really enjoying Shōgun, I’m definitely not a ‘prestige drama’ person and ultimately think it’s killing TV long term but it’s been a brilliant show.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Wasn't really sure where to post this but did anyone else stay up until almost 5am to watch the first half of Wrestlemania? 😂 I loved wrestling as a kid, got back into it hard in my 20s, really soaking up everything, not just WWE. BritWres, American indies, NJPW, those deathmatch feds where its like dudes taking bumps on cinderblocks and glass in front of like 10 people in a field. All of it.

I think doing this though really burned me out so I've kinda gone back to being a casual in the last five or so years. I watch a little WWE, a little AEW, keep on top of WWE news and try to watch at least a couple of the big PPVs.

As such I went into this with a very limited grasp on what was currently going on in WWE and so maybe that changed my perspective on things but I thought this was kinda not very good?

Rhea and Becky had like no in ring chemistry at all, match felt overlong and really awkward. The six pack ladder match was silly fun, but nothing more. Maybe it doesn't need to be, but these matches are always in the shadow for me of the early 00s when WWE could do actual hardcore matches properly. I had literally zero interest or investment in that Mysterio or Women's tag match. I thought the Uso match was just really corny, with it mostly just being them throwing superkicks and crying the whole time. I also swear every few months when I check back in with WWE there is another Bloodline Civil War of some flavour, just a bit naff.

Zayn winning the IC title was kind of my emotional peak of the night. I absolutely loved this moment. When I was getting back into wrestling as an adult fan, this was the height of Zayn's powers in NXT and he and Owens were a huge part of what made me fall in love with wrestling again. That said, the match itself was... fine. I feel like the babyface just taking an absolute battering and refusing to stay down, and then eventually getting the win in the end is like the oldest story in wrestling and so we have so many classic examples of this now, this one just felt okay in that pantheon.

And then the main event came and by this point it is like 4am in the UK, I was so tired by this point, I don't know if this match actually was overlong and really boring, or I was just dead at this point. Seeing the Rock in the ring again was cool, but he kinda hit his signatures and mostly took a back seat. Maybe that is how it should be, but it sorta doesn't work when Reigns also wrestles like that as well. I think Cody is incredibly overrated, find him really boring in the ring. No idea why the crowd is so into him, guess I needed to be there. Didn't get it in AEW either. Seth was really working overtime in this match, and I assume all the work he was doing on selling the knee is going to tie into Night 2 in a major way. I guess we'll see if the somewhat pedestrian feel to this was intentional because the Night 2 match is gonna be a bloodbath.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


While I wouldn’t say Night 2 of Wrestlemania 40 was a masterpiece or whatever, I thought it was a noticeable step up from Night 1 and is probably one of the best end to end Wrestlemania cards we have had for years.

Iyo and Bayley stole the weekend for me. Not only was it an incredible pure wrestling match, but the way the story interwoven through this is peak wrestling for me. But every match on this card was solid. McIntyre and Rollins set up the night perfectly, with pure wrestling poetry with everything that happened after the match. And then the main event might have been a little overbooked and it is easy to dream of all the things it could have been, but I think it delivered what it needed to deliver. Was it all it could have been? Maybe not. But it was a great story, with great character work, solid wrestling and all the wow moments and cameos a Wrestlemania main event now demands.

If this is the level of this so-called new era under Triple H, I am in. I was there for the peak of NXT 2015 - 2018, if it can be even a fraction of that quality, WWE will be the best it has ever been.

Life to the living, death to the dead.


I have the last couple episodes of Season 2 of Star Trek Discovery to watch on Paramountplus. then watching Season 3 of the show for DVD.

just finished season 9 of Tosh.0. going to start watching Season 10 later tonight or tomorrow

Now I cant get Quake the tub out of my head. Thanks alot Daniel Tosh lol



X-Men 97 oof that hit hard.

Tackling the Orlando nightclub shooting is brave given how toxic the world continues to be, but wow it was brutal. Gutted about Gambit and Magneto, but then there were Banshee, Marrow, Callisto and so many others. That specific point being made about a group of people celebrating what makes them different, and then being killed for those differences, it’s worryingly prevalent still. This really has been a bright spot among Marvel’s output.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Today I have watched the whole season 1 of Fallout in one sitting and it was awesome! They captured the tone of the games so damn well! Also, there were tons of easter eggs in there!

"War ... war never changes!" - was used so well!

The only Fallout game I have ever finished was Fallout 3 and now I am pumped to play Fallout 4 until its end!


busy binge watching Real World Season 18 on Paramountplus since late last night.

been watching episodes 3-7 from last night to today. going to watch couple more episodes tonight



@Zuljaras watched the first episode this evening and as a fairly big fan of the games I loved it… the missus also loved it and she’s never played any of the games. Really well done and seemingly has pretty universal appeal.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore Its great right? I'm 2 eps in and loving it...

Great to see Lost alumni Michael Emmerson as well, always a welcome addition. Walton Goggins is immaculate as always, and the general tonality of the show is spot on IMO (somewhat reminiscent of The Boys, able to tow the line between dark humour and genuinely emotional narrative beats)

A good time, and it seems video game adaptations are certainly 'looking up'.

Surely a matter of time before Baldurs gets a small-screen transition?



Yeah I'll be starting Fallout next week. Hearing good things about it, so looking forward to it. Which is rare for me. 😂

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


The trailer for Dark Matter just dropped and it looks pretty good. Based on an excellent book by Blake Crouch, it's coming to Apple TV+ May 8th.

Been a while since I read the book, but this looks to follow it quite closely and I think Edgerton will pull off the duality needed for the role quite nicely.

You can see the trailer through this link (haven't figured out how to embed videos on here just yet... is there a reference somewhere for the various supported tags?)

(nudging @MightyDemon82, a fellow fan of the book )



@FuriousMachine I does indeed look great, I'm gong to have to catch up on my Netflix watch list then cancel it to watch Apple TV for a bit 😅 . Thanks for the tag!

Edited on by MightyDemon82



I loved the final season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I thought it was a fantastic return to form. Did anyone else watch/enjoy it?

"Man is the pie that bakes and eats himself, and the recipe is separation." - Alasdair Gray

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@MightyDemon82 Sounds like a good plan You've got a little under å month, but will it be enough?
(well, if you prefer the bingeing model, the season finale is slated to air at the end of June, so that gives you almost two extra months of Netflix goodness)



@MightyDemon82 I have the same problem, so much so that I was kind of hoping Fallout would be a dud, but no such luck, I suppose


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